Malvinas: el sur, el mar, el frío, by VV. AA.

30114268English translation: Falkland: the south, the sea, the cold

This book compiles several graphic short-stories which have the Malvinas War as main subject. They portrait the life around that time, the current life of veterans, ghosts from the past, a remembrance to those who didn’t come back, their families, episodes of war and such things.

This war occurred in 1982, when Argentina confronted Great Britain over Malvinas’ sovereignty. It was a desperate measure from a dying dictatorial government trying to gain acceptance among the people, but it turned out as such a tragedy, where a lot of young men lost their lives and a lot others got theirs ruined.

Up to this day the wound remains open and our nation keeps claiming sovereignty over the islands, but through diplomacy.

This book was lent to me by a friend during our vacations.

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